Hillary Chybinski: Guess what's in the bag. . .

Monday, August 08, 2005

Guess what's in the bag. . .

. . .nope

. . .nope

. . .nope. not in a million years could you possibly guess what is in that bag my sweet child is holding.

here's a hint. . .it's a gift from his pop-pop.

here's another. . .his pop-pop lives in NJ

. . .nope

give up?

. . .okay. . .it's . . .SKUNK FUR!

no - really. we went to NJ to visit with my parents today. . .Ryan loves hanging out with his Mimi and Pop-pop in the "country" vs. the "suburbs" where we live. and Pop-pop is full of adventure. besides the skunk fur, we came home with an empty (Sam's Club sized) Cascade box. go figure. . .there is a scrapbook page here somewhere, although I don't think I should include the baggie of skunk fur. do you think basicgrey paper goes with skunk fur??

catch you soon -

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