Hillary Chybinski: another train. . .

Thursday, July 03, 2008

another train. . .

. . .do you know that song by the poozies? i've been listening to it a lot in the last 24 hours. . .

it's a little pity party for myself. . .see, my wonderful part-time job of the last 3 years was suddenly, out of the blue, eliminated.

now in these uncertain financial times, many of you are living through the same things - company cut-backs, etc. DO NOT be misled my friends - this has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with high school popularity. . .perhaps some of you recall what it was like when that certain someone didn't care for you and you were left behind. . .

funny thing how you can be out of high school for 22 years - yet some people cannot get past petty jealousy.

enjoy the 4th!

catch you soon -

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