Hillary Chybinski: a gift. . .

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

a gift. . .

. . .so, I made this little paper bag album (pba) for the lovely girl that comes to my house every two weeks and cleans for us. she recently got married, and I wanted to celebrate her event. . .but I don't know much about her personal life, not even the name of her husband. i was lucky enough to be home the week before her wedding, and she shared her wedding plans with me, and we talked a bit about the excitement of it all - but that was it.

i can't help but wonder what does that say about me? that i let this woman into my home twice a month. . .

but she has been with us for over three years, and has been a god-send to me. because of her, i don't have to feel guilty about the lack of cleaning i actually do. so to Audrie - a BIG thank you - shouted from the rooftops, and wishes for all the happiness they can squeeze out of life!

catch you soon -

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