Hillary Chybinski: menu plan Monday. . .

Monday, February 06, 2012

menu plan Monday. . .

Some weeks, Mondays come up more quickly than others.

This week is a Hodge-podge of sorts. . .I am still feeling in a rut, nothing is inspiring me and I'm trying to save money.  so here's what I came up with for this week:

Monday - Chili (defrosted), Cornbread and Salad
Tuesday - Pasta of some sort
Wednesday - White Bean Soup with Winter Greens and Pancetta (never made this last week)
Thursday - Roast Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Peas
Friday - Take out/Pizza Night
Saturday & Sunday - TBD

I'm not wild about Chili tonight - it's 50 degrees here today. . .but we defrosted it yesterday for the Superbowl, and didn't eat it.  I haven't been to the grocery store, and my PeaPod Delivery won't come until Wednesday night, so I'm trying to make do with things I have on hand.

What's on your menu this week?

catch you soon -

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