Hillary Chybinski: How-To: Turn Butternut Squash into Ghosts

Friday, October 05, 2012

How-To: Turn Butternut Squash into Ghosts

Here's an inexpensive and easy Halloween Craft.

Butternut Squash Ghosts

Get some Butternut Squash.  Be sure they "stand up".

In addition, you'll need white and black acrylic paint and a brush or 2.

Paint the squash with the white paint, all over.  Once they dried, I laid them down and painted the bottom.  Covering the entire squash keeps it from rotting.

After the white paint dries, paint some large spooky black eyes.

That's it - I arranged mine in a planter on my front stoop.  You could put them in a window box, lined up on your step or anywhere else that needs a little spooking up.

catch you soon -


  1. I think that even I could manage to make this! :) What a cute idea!

    1. LOL they are super easy . . . of course you can type-A your poor child and make it more difficult. . .NOT that I would know ANYTHING about that. . .lol

  2. How cute!! I think even I could do this one!! The kids would love it!
