Hillary Chybinski: 2 rachels. . .

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

2 rachels. . .

. . .so last night i found myself flipping between the rachel zoe project on bravo and the rachel maddow show on msnbc. . .

talk about polar opposites

but honeslty, the zoe project is like a car wreck - i can't turn away - the glitz and glamour make her whining seem tolerable and i've decided to start calling john "babe". . .watch an episode and you'll get it.

onto politics - not really something i wax philosophically about here on the old creative blog. . .but man. . .i could relate with rachel maddow's confusion on what the party line is for the republicans. . .who is leading them? i'm not really sure where i fall on the political spectrum. . .i have a lot of socialist tendencies. . .the republicans typically are in line with my fiscal opinions. . .the democrats seem to care more about family life, education and children. . .

face it - i am all over the map - and i'm okay with that - i think we wouldn't be in this mess if we were all a little less partisan and a little more ourselves.

catch you soon -

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