Hillary Chybinski: holiday trip to the ER. . .

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

holiday trip to the ER. . .

. . .so my holiday plans got a little waylaid by some pesky ice. . .john took a spill in the station parking lot last night, and we headed over to the Roxborogh ER in Medic 33. . .luckily pam and david were kind enough to watch ryan for us, so i could concentrate on john.

i'm happy to report - all is well. . .well, if a broken butt is well. . .yes folks, john broke his coxix bone. . .he has a lovely yellow doughnut cushion (no holiday colors, I asked) to sit upon. he's all medicated today and in good humor about being the butt of many jokes. . .

the holiday rush continues, although perhaps a little more slowly. nothing brings it all into perspective like a close call and a freaked out child. once i got my boys all settled and knew they were okay. . .i could again find some peace. i love those two with all my heart and soul.

catch you soon -

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