Hillary Chybinski: New Year - New Resolutions (or not)

Thursday, January 02, 2014

New Year - New Resolutions (or not)

There's a lot of talk about New Year's Resolutions. Lots of marketing and ad campaigns centered around saving money, losing weight and getting organized. Have you decided to conquer any of these three things for 2014?

Several years ago, I got tired of making resolutions only to feel as if I "fell short" by the end of the year. So I picked up the One Little Word campaign. I chose a word. . .simplify.

Rather than an elaborate plan to simplify my entire life, I adopted that one little word as a guiding principle. I let it take hold of places in my life that needed simplifying. And you know what happened? Magic. I simplified several areas, felt successful and continue to search for ways I can simplify my everyday.

And ever since then, when January 1st rolls around, I let one simple word lead my navigation through the upcoming year. In the end, I have more successes that enhance my life, and that of my family.

For #vlogmom this week, here's a brief video on my thoughts about making (and keeping) resolutions.

I'd love to hear your thoughts - do you make resolutions? Why or why not?

catch you soon -

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