
Thursday, November 29, 2012

#vlogmom | Here We Go A Caroling

This week's #vlogmom prompt comes from Erin over at A Parenting Production.  Erin asked us all to answer, "What is your favorite Holiday song?" And we were to get bonus points if we sing. . .since I need all the points I can get, be prepared. . .

So there you have it. . .my favorite Holiday Song.  I must admit, that come December first, my car and my Pandora are all tuned into Holiday Music - I love it all - the classics (The Christmas Song), the modern takes (Santa Baby) and the obscure (I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas).

What is your favorite Holiday song?

catch you soon -


  1. I.Adore.This!!!! That is such an 80s song, but I love it. And I'm so with you: I love everything about Christmas Music... from the classics to the obscure.

  2. love your 80's thing great post.

  3. This is AWESOME. And I love the teeny bopper vibe you have going on...

  4. No freaking way! I put that song in my video too! It's my second favorite holiday song!

  5. LOL - And you're such a Valley Girl! How did I know you would do an 80's song, you Decembrist, you!

  6. Love it! I like that song, too, but I can only hear it every once in awhile. And the decorations? We haven't done any either. Getting our tree on Saturday! I hope.

  7. Now this song is totally stuck in my head! Love! I totally have my holiday mojo now.

  8. Confession: I've always hated that 80s song. And now it's stuck in MY head too! P.S. I've been holding out on Christmas decorations proclaiming it was too soon but I might have put up a wreath and some nutcrackers tonight.

    1. Lol - sorry to put it in your head. . .


  9. It's stuck in mine too!
    Love the phrase Decemberist.
