Hillary Chybinski: mondays from the mommyhood. . .

Monday, February 22, 2010

mondays from the mommyhood. . .

today from the mommyhood. . .a little test. . .

we all know as moms (and dads) that we are tested EVERY day. . .our knowledge, our patience, our parenting skills. . .the list of tests is never ending. . .

here are a few of my recent ones:

1.  You drive your child to school so you can volunteer.  You get there right on time, and said child has forgotten his backpack.  You. . .
a.) say "oh well - you need to be responsible for your own stuff"
b.) run back home and get the backpack
c.) run home to get the pack (you live close by afterall) telling your child how responsible they need to be for the entire trip.

2.  You are at your oldest child's school volunteering.  One of the kids mentions a funny smell.  You...
a.) tell them "it's the glue"
b.) rush over to your semi-potty trained 3 YO
c.) tell them it's the glue - then realize it is in fact the 3 YO - thank heavens you brought supplies.

so let's just call toady a "C" day. . .what are some of your favorite parenting tests?

catch you soon -

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