Hillary Chybinski: a cluttered mind. . .

Sunday, September 14, 2008

a cluttered mind. . .

. . .that's what I seem to have these days. . .i find my mind going in a million different directions and not settling anywhere. . .

. . .my career is up in the air. . .

. . .i don't feel the urge to create. . .

. . .i don't feel motivated to work on projects around the house. . .

. . .i worry about not working and finances. . .

. . .owen gets up at 6 am every morning, but we don't go to bed until after 10p, making me tired most days. . .

some things are going well - the boys are both thriving in school, i think owen's vocabulary doubles every week. i've been good on menu planning and food shopping (the weekends get a little lax), laundry is mostly caught up, i've been working out 3-4 times a week. . .

regardless. . .i feel scattered. . .
i hope it passes soon

catch you soon -

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